thinkbox of the procrastinator
Starting with a personal task or postponing a personal task is a CHOICE.
  • Choosing to start with a personal task implies approaching your personal goals. But starting also involves the risk of failure. However, what is failure? Questions can be asked about possible failure.
    • 100% failure, a personal disaster, an catastrophe?
    • failing to meet the expectations of others?
    • failing to meet your own (high) standards?
    • a perhaps painful learning experience?

  • Choosing for postponement is choosing for short-term safety (e.g. protection of self respect) and thereby disregarding your personal goals. Postponement is often justified by excuses, which denies the element of choice: "I can't do it", "Í'm unable to ...", "I really can't help it", "Tomorrow". However, in this case also questions can be asked
    • why make excuses?
    • afraid of what / whom?
    • no control and just a zombie?
    • is your self respect dependent on performance?
no risk, no gain