Superbia |
Pride (verwaandheid, trots, hovaardigheid) |
a woman admires herself in a mirror held by a devil disguised as a servant |
Invidia |
Envy (afgunst, nijd, jaloezie) |
a bourgeois looks longingly at a wealthy aristocrat, envying his lifestyle |
Ira | Anger (woede, boosheid) | a woman restrains her angry, drunken husband |
Acedia |
Sloth and Torpor (luiheid, ledigheid) |
a man dozes in front of a fire while a nun reminds him of his religious duty |
Avaritia |
Avarice (hebzucht, begeerte, gierigheid) |
shows a corrupt judge taking a bribe |
Gula |
Gluttony (onmatigheid, vraatzucht) |
a fat man and his fat child eat while a thin man drinks |
Luxuria |
Lust (onkuisheid, wellust) |
a young man & woman flirt, as they eat & drink while a jester entertains |